Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Packages
  • Presenting Sponsor

    Includes one of the following mission experiences:
    St. Jude Celebrations • St. Jude Patient Art
    Faces of St. Jude  • Hospital Milestones • ABC’s of Cancer


    •St. Jude Celebrity Chef & Wine Dinner presented by Company Name included in all event collateral

    •First right of sponsorship renewal until 60 days following event
    •Sponsor exclusivity on chosen mission experience
    •Brand/logo featured as the selected Mission Experience Sponsor in all marketing materials including educational materials to be distributed with the display
    •Premier reserved seating for 20 guests
    •Invitation to VIP Reception for 20 guests
    •Logo on red carpet step and repeat
    •Brand/logo recognition on all event day signage & mentions throughout event
    •Opportunity to place company promotional item or co-branded favor in thank you gifts for all attendees
    •Opportunity for company executive to speak at event
    •Full page ad and letter from company executive in event program book


    •Brand/logo featured in all marketing and collateral materials including save the date, digital event invitation, and thank you email to attendees

    •Sponsor letter featured in sponsorship opportunities packet
    •Brand/logo in all media outreach including press releases


    •St. Jude messaging provided for internal corporate newsletters, emails and social media including “Proud Sponsor Logo”

    •Opportunity to feature the mission experience at your own company through a St. Jude “Lunch and Learn” or other company event

    Exclusive Opportunity for One Company

    Includes 20 admission tickets
  • Mission Experience Sponsor

    Includes one of the following mission experiences:
    St. Jude Celebrations • St. Jude Patient Art • Faces of St. Jude • Hospital Milestones • ABC’s of Cancer


    •Two tables (20 tickets) with premium reserved seating

    •Invitation to VIP Reception for 20 guests
    •Brand/logo featured as the selected Mission Experience Sponsor in all marketing and collateral materials including save the date, event invitations,
    and event program book
    •Full page ad in event program book
    •Brand/logo recognition on all event day signage & mentions throughout event
    •Brand/logo inclusion in all media outreach
    •Brand/logo inclusion on event website
    •Opportunity to place company’s promotional item in thank you gifts
    for all attendees


    •Brand/logo featured in all marketing and collateral materials including save 
    the date, digital event invitation, and thank you email to attendees

    •Sponsor letter featured in sponsorship opportunities packet
    •Brand/logo in all media outreach including press releases


    •St. Jude messaging provided for internal corporate newsletters, emails and social media including “Proud Sponsor Logo”
    •Opportunity to feature the mission experience at your own company through
    a St. Jude “Lunch and Learn” or other company event

    Includes 20 admission tickets
  • Miracle Sponsor

    Choose one activation:
    VIP Reception • Auctions • Valet • Give to Live Society • Signature Cocktail • 360 Photo Booth



    •One table (10 tickets)
    •Naming rights on chosen event activation
    •Brand/logo featured on event invitation and event program book
    •Full page ad in event program book
    •Brand/logo on all event day signage & mentions throughout event
    •Brand/logo inclusion on event website
    •St. Jude messaging provided for internal corporate newsletters, emails and social media including “Proud Sponsor Logo”

    Includes 10 admission tickets
  • Hope Sponsor

    Choose one activation:
    Menu Card • Gifts that Give • Registration • Centerpieces • Wine Wall • Entertainment



    •One table (10 tickets)
    •Naming rights on chosen event activation
    •Brand/logo featured on event program book
    •Half page ad in event program book
    •Brand/logo on all event day signage & mentions throughout event

    Includes 10 admission tickets
  • Table Sponsor

    This support could:

    •Help provide two CT scans for a St. Jude patient
    •Help provide grocery cards for 100 St. Jude families


    •One table (10 tickets)
    •Company name in event program book
    •Half page ad in event program book
    •Name featured on recognition display at event

    Includes 10 admission tickets
  • Imagine Sponsor

    This support could:

    •Help cover the cost of three days of chemotherapy for a St. Jude patient
    •Help provide a platelet count test for 100 St. Jude patients


    •Six tickets
    •Name featured in event program book
    •Name featured on recognition display at event

    Includes 6 admission tickets